Sunday, December 24, 2006


We finally went to Disney Land today! This is me about to go to Disney Land.
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It was so fun and there are so many things to do.

We first went to the Buzz Lightyear ride. Here's a picture of him.
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We had fun blasting the evil creatures and got a high score.

Then we wen to watch a 3D movie called Honey I Shrank the Audience. We had to put on special safety goggles.
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It was scary and I was screaming for Daddy. But he didn't hear me because the sound was very loud. There was a snake which tried to lick my face.

After that we went to another roller coaster ride. But It was not as fun as Lego Land. I want to go back to Lego Land.

We also took a picture with Mickey Mouse but we had to queue for almost 45 mins.
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This is Toon Land. It was fun but there was a lot of queuing to do and I got very tired.
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We also took the Small World ride, but the scariest was Pirates of the Caribbean.

I was very tired and I had to sit on Daddy's shoulders.
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This is the Disney Land castle. I was very tired I fell asleep before dinner and we all missed the fireworks. Maybe we'll catch them on Christmas Day.
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1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

1. Abortion, murder, or moolah won't save thee. Only Jesus Christ;
2. Life's far too short to go to the abyss of Misery for eternity. But, yet, many people choose exactly that;
3. Repent and believe! WWIII looms!! Bush-N-Cheney are puppets for Satan, controlled by the Illuminati;
4. Only 2 realms after our lifelong demise, our Finite Existence... and 1 of 'em ain't too cool;
5. Choose: Our Mighty God vs. your wimpy ego;
6. Never leave me, Lord Jesus, as I’ll never leave you.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam:
In Hoc Signo + Vinces